Four Tips to Make the Most of A Fall Myrtle Beach Golf Trip

1) Scheduling
Autumn is a time of relatively mild (read: lower humidity!) weather around the Grand Strand.  That being the case, many golf course operators take the time to begin their overseeding processes in mid-fall. Overseeding takes a few days, during which time the golf course is watered very heavily—often forcing carts to stay on paths, even on a perfectly dry day—or closed altogether for a few days. Playing a freshly-overseeded course can be a nasty surprise, so be sure and call the courses you’re looking to play and ask them when they will be overseeding. Some courses in the Myrtle Beach area don’t overseed at all or do only a minimal overseed. These courses may look a little more brown than others, but you will generally get firmer fairways and more distance on your drives at these tracks. Let’s be honest: that’s more fun than needlessly green fairways, isn’t it?

2) Terrific Weather
The busiest time for golf in Myrtle Beach tends to be the months of March and April. But October and November are practically as excellent. Compare March’s average high temperature of 64.2 degrees Fahrenheit to November’s 67.8. Advantage: November, which also happens to be the driest month of the year, averaging a scant two and a half inches of precipitation. April, meanwhile, boasts an average daily high of 71.9 degrees while counterpart October clocks in at an even balmier 75.8.

3) Fewer Crowds, More Relaxation
While enjoying the slightly warmer weather of October and November, you are also likelier to run into fewer crowds, as family vacations tend to be more prevalent in the spring than the fall, so soon after the school year has begun. If you are in town on a golf-packed buddies trip, the benefit is less traffic, greater availability of accommodations and greater flexibility in terms of your itinerary. In the spring, if you want to play 36 holes on any of your days, you’d better book that second round. In the fall, though, you are more likely to get away with calling an audible and toting your group to another course for an afternoon round if the fever hits.

4) Lower Prices
Maybe this section could be numbered 3a, but either way, it’s a good one to keep in mind. The same factors that contribute to the lesser traffic and crowds you will see if you visit Myrtle Beach in the fall, rather than spring, also means increased prospects for great savings. Hotels and golf courses are a bit hungrier to fill their rooms and tee sheets in the fall, so be sure to take advantage of the deals that pop up when the leaves change colors!

Posted 9/10/13

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