Booking Tee Times


BOOKING TEE TIMES  When you are ready to book tee times please keep in mind that most quoted or posted rates (especially those found in the Myrtle Beach Golf Holiday golf planner, other so-called golf planners, booklets, brochures, magazines and on websites) are usually on the high-side, so ask for any “specials” and try to negotiate a better price for yourself (the larger your group, the better price you can negotiate). Before calling any courses, be sure that you have the specific dates that you plan to come, as there are as many as 15 rate changes per year on some of the “old guard” courses (yes, we agree that’s a stupid practice, but the idiots that do it have, themselves, been out-of-touch for a very long time). There are some lodging properties that also subscribe to this lunacy, and should be avoided. 

Remember to get prices that include green fees, cart fees, and taxes, also ask for their replay rates. We strongly recommend that golfers write down the full name and position of the person they talked to at the resort or golf course, as well as the date and time that they talked to them – and be sure to have this written information with them when they go to the courses.


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