Golf Tips from the Pros are at your Fingertips

Ever have one of those playing partners who is really good at giving golf advice but terrible at executing it? They see every fixable flaw in your swing but can’t seem to master their own. If not, maybe you’re that guy.

It seems everyone’s a pro when it comes to giving pointers, but good advice is as hard to find as that tee shot you just yanked in the waste bunker.That’s all changed with the advent of the internet and cell phone aps.

Now help from the pros are only a couple of clicks away, and quality golf tips are at your fingertips. Simply check out one of these new golf-tip sites or apps and pick up some helpful pointers from the pros to help you work on your game before your Myrtle Beach golf getaway:

Ask a Pro: Who better to ask for golf advice than the ones who are playing the game at the highest level? The players who drive for show and putt for dough on a weekly basis also need coaches, and they are the perfect ones to go to for daily tips at the’s Golf Tip of the Day. Regular followers will also find some nuggets of knowledge about recent happenings behind the ropes on the PGA Tour.

Big Names, Big Games: is a real gem because it features tips from some of the best to play the game, including recent pointers from Tiger Woods, Dustin Johnson, Rory McIlroy and more. Tips range from everything from long game and short game to stance and grip for those who like to model their games after the pros. Many of their entries include articles on new stretching techniques, how your knees are the key to solid iron play, and how to use the wind as your friend. The site also includes some special practice techniques to help incorporate the advice to your game.

Junior Tips: Many of the pro golf tips are too advanced for younger golfers who are simply trying to find their swing. International Junior Golf Academy director Jonathan Yarwood and his staff provide regular video content designed to help youngsters develop their games and learn to love the sport. In addition to detailed swing instructions, also keeps it entertaining and lighthearted, including a recent clip on pond-skipping.

MacGyver Golf: Golfers don’t always have the perfect conditions to practice, but that doesn’t have to stop you. A hotel carpet on a business trip can make a smooth putting green, and portable grip can allow you to work on your game on the go. Those are just a few of the handy tips you can find at, including recent tips on how common household items can be incorporated into your practice regimen, like an old CD (place the ball in the middle of the mirrored-backside to check your positioning) and a chalk line (mark a straight line and practice putting along it).

Put me in, Coach: Modern technology has vastly changed the game of golf instruction, with swing analyzers and phone aps hot on the market. But many find that you can’t be good, old-school coaching, and has you covered. Featuring some of the most successful instructors in the sport, pointers include everything from stance and grip to motion and follow-through. Many of the pointers also offer practice tips that you can incorporate into your regular routine.

There are plenty of tips and time to tune up your game with some quality golf pointers that you can put to use during your Myrtle Beach golf vacation. Book your golf package today and start practicing.


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