New Year’s Resolutions for Golfers

The year is winding down. We’re in the fairway on the 18th hole. There’s no wind, and it’s a soft wedge into the green. It’s time to finish up the year with a birdie. But the end of the year also means the dreaded New Year’s resolution and the inevitable lack of creativity with said resolutions.

Go on a diet.

Save more money.

Work out 5 days a week.

Sorry, but we’ve heard all of these before, and we know how the story ends. We all forget our resolutions by February 1. It’s no one’s fault. It’s just human nature. In 2015, we’re going to change the game by focusing on the game. Our golf game, of course. We figure if we make a resolution based on something we actually enjoy we should be able to keep it. Here our the top candidates for our 2015 New Year’s golf resolution:

1. Play 5 new courses in 2015. These don't have to be five new courses, just five we haven’t played before. We all get stuck in a rut of going to the same courses over and over again. Bonus points if these courses are out of state – or the country! Even if we’re on a golf vacation, we vow to play courses we haven’t before to find a new favorite.

2. Improve one aspect of your game and stick with it. The best athletes in the world always focus on one aspect of their game during the off-season. Basketball players focus on their post-up game. Tennis players work on their lob shot. Golf should be no different, and there’s no reason why we can’t improve on aspect in 2015. We may go with putting, because that’s one of the quickest ways we can cut some strokes off our scores. One way to start is by writing down our putting strokes on every hole. Add them up at the end of the day to see just how many putts we make.

3. Take a golf vacation with your friends. What better time than the start of a new year to plan a golf trip with our buddies. This is the time when everyone’s calendars should be relatively open. How often do we get to take a trip with our friends and just golf? Simple answer, not often enough. We’re a little biased, but has amazing golf packages throughout the year.

4. Enjoy golf. Let’s face it. Sometimes we all take the game a little bit too seriously. Sure, golf requires so much discipline, focus and concentration, but the main reason we play is for fun, right? Golf takes us outside, away from the office, away from the stresses of life. This may be a simple resolution, but it’s a good one for life in general. Let’s enjoy the ride in 2015 – whether it’s on a golf cart or not!

A new year is a time to have fun, be positive and look forward to an opportunity to start fresh. Let everyone else have their diets, savings accounts and workout plans. We’ll be working on our golf game. We always thought that the ball they drop each year in Times Square resembled a fancy golf ball anyway!

(posted 11/25/14)
(photo courtesy: National Club Golfer)

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