

OVERSEEDING  Is the maintenance process where the golf courses cut the greens very close and put down a thin layer of sand and perennial Rye grass over the Bermuda grass. Golf courses in the Carolinas and in the Myrtle Beach area have Bermuda established at most key playing areas. Bermuda is a warm season turf grass that turns brown once soil temperatures dip below 50º to 55º in the fall. Bermuda doesn't green up again until soil temperatures return into the mid-50’s in the spring. During the time when the Bermuda is dormant (no green leaf tissue), the golf courses overseed the key playing areas with the perennial Rye grass. Poa Trivialis is now the preferred choice on greens rather than Rye due to its easier establishment. The overseeding occurs generally September or October in the Carolinas on the fairways, tees, and greens. Roughs are usually not overseeded. The contrast between the green fairways and brown roughs in the winter months is pleasing to most golfers. Many courses in Myrtle Beach have bentgrass greens and these are not overseeded as they maintain green leaf color all year long. After overseeding the greens will look a little brown (sand), and for the first couple of days your ball will have a little sand rooster tail, but that's about the only differences you will actually notice. Overseeding normally only affects the greens for about 5-7 days.  

Note: We recommend that golfers always call the golf courses they are interested in playing, and ask them for their plans for any maintenance work scheduled during the time frame when they will be visiting.


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