Springtime Brings Excellent Conditions to Myrtle Beach Golf Courses

Springtime in Myrtle Beach is an unparalleled time of year for warm weather seekers who love golf. March, April and May boast average daily high temperatures of 64, 72 and 79 degrees, with April being the second-driest month of the year, with only 2.51 average inches of precipitation. This combination of warm temperatures and moderate rain wakes the Bermuda grass that covers the more than 100 area courses from its cold-weather slumber. Greens, fairways and roughs outgrow their overseeded rye grass or paint and are able to be cut to pleasingly low height daily as heat and moisture dictate. Flowers bloom. Fountains spout jets of water. Beverage cart drivers rev up their engines in earnest. Golf blossoms again.

Spring is perhaps the best time to play golf in Myrtle Beach if you are more concerned with course conditions than price. The weather does put a premium on greens fees, but for those who enjoy pristine conditions and scenery, golf in the area is a joy. Here are three of the many reasons why

#1: The Sweet Smell of Myrtle Beach Golfing Success

Perhaps the premier course to play in the Myrtle Beach area in the spring is Caledonia Golf and Fish Club. The only facility in the area with a full-time horticulturist on its payroll, the course is as much an arboretum as a spectacular golf experience. The Mike Strantz masterpiece’s 18 holes sit well within sight (and smell) of numerous species of annual flowers and plants in profusion. Many golfers and golf writers have opined that Caledonia in the spring is the best-smelling golf course they have ever visited.

Many other courses have taken a page out of Caledonia’s maintenance book in recent years as well, splashing pinks, yellows and blues out among their greens and white-tan bunkers. No matter where you play, it will be a feast for the eyes.

#2: Play All Day

Another advantage to playing golf in Myrtle Beach in the spring is the opportunity for multi-round days, now that the clocks have jumped forward by an hour. Scores of area courses, pricey though they may be for one-off rounds, tend to offer great replay and twilight-golf rates. Many groups who visit during this splendid time of year will curtail their stays by a day or two in order to play two rounds instead of one each day, thereby saving money. If you are a golf junkie, you can play seven or eight rounds of golf in three or four days in Myrtle Beach—no problem. Just plan it out and be sure to pack a lot of golf balls.

#3: The Grass Is Smoother

Though they are dwindling in number, the courses in Myrtle Beach that still have bentgrass greens will be excellent from now into June. The Wizard, Man O’War and Tiger’s Eye are all bentgrass greens facilities that should give players from the north and Midwest some familiar-feeling putting surfaces for the next couple months as well.

Spring has officially sprung in Myrtle Beach, and the golf courses are primed for your enjoyment. Why aren’t you here already?

Posted 3/21/13

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