Day Two & Three of The Santana Project!

Day Two & Three of the Ritson-Sole Golf Academy

Santana is finished with her first ever golf school, and was very successful in learning the beginning techniques of the golf game. 

Day Two: On day two they focused on the sand trap game and chipping.  When Santana got back to the office Tuesday after her lesson she was so excited to tell me about hitting out of the sand or in Santana terms, 'bunkering'!  It’s neat to watch how quickly she is catching on and enjoying the game.  Some of her key points David helped her with on Tuesday we’re making sure to keep a triangle shape with her arms, and as her shoulders moved clockwise her wrist must stay straight.  At 9:00 wrist should be hinged back with club to make a 54 degree angle to the ground but 90 degree angle between her arm and wrist.

(Keeping the triangle throughout the swing)

Next they moved over to the chipping green and continued working on half swings, and shots out of the bunker.
Day two analysis: David wanted her to make sure to not focus on the full swing yet, practice short shots.  As you feel more comfortable move to a full swing.  She was also instructed to practice with her 7 iron, and not use her favorite club- the Taylormade RocketBallz.  Day three was to convene Wednesday morning at 8am.

(Practicing the half swing)

Day Three: THE FINAL DAY! 

Wednesday morning came early for Santana, she had to be at the practice facility by 8am.  Her lesson was over around 11:30 and then we had a golf outing we had to attend at 12.  Needless to say she was golfed out by the time Wednesday night arrived.

Her lesson with David on Wednesday focused on full swing again, and finally the best part of the game PUTTING!
Still he wanted her to focus on using a shorter distance iron, rather than teeing up her favorite RocketBallz.  “We spent about an hour working on the range, and using my new technique ‘load the left’ this is awesome and it really works.  I just have to remember to point back tow and relax my knee like a ballerina.” Leroy said. 

(Doing the Santana, also know as Load the Left)

This helps you get all your weight focused on your left side, then after you have balance you lowered your right leg and come to your full stance. 
Day Three Analysis: She did a great job, but needs to focus on the small things and not worry about taking a full swing and over analyzing everything.  David also wants her to continue coming back and working with him every other week, so that we can continue the ‘Santana Project” and continue to watch her game progress.

Make sure to check out the Ritson-Sole Golf Academy next time your in Myrtle Beach, it's not every day you can train at a top 25 in the Nation golf academy! Click Here

After the lesson, a girls got to eat- See Below

(Lunch curtosy of Grande Dunes Golf Resort)

Then we enjoyed a wonderful afternoon on the golf course courtesy of National Golf Management and the Grande Dunes Resort Course in Myrtle Beach!  Great course and it’s in fantastic condition.

(Me, Essie Hellaby- Golf Director at MBG, and the Famous Santana)

Everyone have a fantastic weekend on the links!

See you next week!



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