Eat, Drink and Be Wary of Foods that may be Hurting Your Golf Game

You’ve heard the expression “You are what you eat.” Well, thanks to some recent breakthroughs in the world of nutrition, that same adage might also apply to your golf scores.

Gone are the days of grabbing a couple of chili dogs from the clubhouse grill and washing them down with a few cold beers, at least not if you are concerned about your game. Golfers looking to knock off a few strokes off their average, as well improve their overall health, need to pay more attention to what they eat and drink before their rounds.

If that assessment seems off the mark, consider your last few rounds and the meals that accompanied them. Have you noticed yourself getting tired and losing focus, particularly in the later stages of your round? If so, you can definitely benefit from making a slight adjustment to your diet and sleep schedule instead of tinkering with your swing.

That can be easier said than done during a Myrtle Beach Golf trip. Here are a few of the dos and don’ts of when it comes to fueling up for a successful day on the golf course:

The night before your round: Especially for those of you with early tee times, a good night’s sleep is vital to your mental and physical functions the next day. It’s also best to avoid greasy foods, spicy foods or, most of all, alcohol, which can lead to dehydration and sluggish motor function. Like other athletes, it’s a good idea to have carbs, like pasta with a salad, to get the best out of your body and mind the next day. Try not to eat or drink caffeine two hours before bedtime as it can inhibit sleep.

The morning before your round: If your tee time and sleep schedule allow it, try to eat breakfast at least two hours before you tee off to allow your body time to properly digest. Enjoy an omelet with lots of veggies and wheat toast, or some steel-cut oatmeal with nuts. Those on the go can grab some fresh fruit with yogurt, or cream cheese on a whole-grain bagel. A cup of coffee or juice to get your moving in the morning won’t ruin your day, but experts recommend lots of water to hydrate before your round.

During your round: If, like many golfers, your stomach starts to grumble when you make the turn, be sure to pack some healthy snacks in your golf bag for a quick energy boost. Energy bars, trail mix, or easy to carry fruit like an apple or banana can save the day when you start to drag. Resist the temptation to order a cold drink or beer from the service cart and stick to water or sports drinks, which will keep you hydrated and help you keep a sharp mental focus down the stretch.

What not to eat: Now that we’ve covered all the do’s, how about the don’ts. Whether it’s before or during your round, save items like donuts, candy bars, fried foods and energy drinks for another time. Having an unhealthy treat is bad enough without letting it interfere with your golf game.

Bonus tip: If you are visiting Myrtle Beach on a Stay & Play package, many of our resorts offer deluxe breakfast buffets with plenty of healthy options so you don’t have to go to the extra effort of seeking out something both good and good for you.

Of course, the toughest challenge is putting these guidelines into practical use. Be aware of your tee times and what you decide to feed your body and mind before you hit the links. Book your Myrtle Beach package and put a premium on eating right and playing the best golf of your life. Social Media

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