By Joe Brondhaver, Golf Director
I had a chance to play Heathers Glen on Sunday, November 13. For starters, the day was absolutely perfect. I got there around 8:00am, but I wasn't due to tee off until 8:28am. Once I checked in, “Curly” sent me out anyways. The staff was helpful and excited. They were eager to answer any questions and sent me out with a detailed course diagram that gave me pointers on each hole. I found that extremely helpful with being a new golfer.
The starter asked about the front 9 when I made the turn. He did wish me luck and gave me some pointers too. I played the White Course for the front 9 and the Blue Course on the back 9. I am a novice golfer and I got a little worried when I shot an 8 on the first hole, but I hung in there. The more I played on, the more I relaxed. Both 9s were in great shape and they seemed to be a bit due to the recent rain. As the morning went along, they dried up and I found myself being challenged, but comfortable. The challenges were good for me and I was playing alone.
There weren't too many people playing and that allowed me the patience to take my time and analyze my shots. I never really felt beat up, and I came home with one ball. I would gauge how well I did by how many balls I had left. The 8th hole on the White course, “The Spectacle,” was one of the more difficult holes I played. I managed my shot and did what I could to execute it. I also found myself on the 8th hole on the Blue course, “Perfection,” a challenge too. The best hole was the “Short Hole,” Blue Course #5. I hit a tee shot and put it 16 feet from hole and 1-putt the ball. It was the only hole under Par and 168 yards with a 3wood off the tee.
I would recommend this course to anyone, including novices. I think it gives an even mix of easy to challenging holes. I shot a 117, and in my eyes, not a bad round for my first 18. Even better, I came home with a ball and didn't lose them all. I can't wait to go back.